Muscle loss - Vitality Wellness Center

What is Muscle Loss?

Muscle loss, also known as muscle atrophy, occurs when muscle cells shrink or degrade as a result of disuse or disease. This leads to reduced muscle strength, coordination, and mobility. Some key points about muscle loss include:

So in summary, muscle loss is the wasting or atrophy of muscle tissue, leading to reduced strength and function. It can arise from immobilization, aging, poor nutrition, and diseases. The effects can be quite disabling. Staying active and eating well can stave it off. Treat underlying conditions promptly. Supplements help too. Rehabilitative exercise rebuilds lost muscle. Catching it early makes a difference!

Causes of Muscle Loss

Effects of Muscle Loss

Prevent muscle loss - stay active and eat protein.

Prevention of Muscle Loss

Visit Vitality Wellness Center for personalized advice on preventing and treating muscle loss.

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